6.30pm Thursday 8 December 2022
Let Doctors Be Doctors!
Response to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Other Amendments Bill 2022
Date: Thursday 8 December 2022
Registrations Open from 6:00 pm for a 6:30 pm start. Finishing at 9 pm
VENUE: Field of Dreams Church SA, 17a Augusta St, Maylands SA 5069
TICKETS: In-person $20
Drinks can be purchased from the bar
RSVP 5pm Monday 5 December

Dr Christopher Neil

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
BMedSci MBBS FRACP PhDGradCertEd, Professor of Medicine at Flinders University

Dr Shoba Iyer

Dr Bruce Wauchcombe

Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
MD(UKM) MMED( UM) FANZCA MMED(Monash)Anaesthetist and Perioperative Physician

Dr Duncan Syme
MBBS FRACGP DROCG Dip Prac Dermatology (University of Cardiff)

Dr Richard Urso
Calls to action to Reclaim Medicine
In light of the failings, we have witnessed we are demanding legislative amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act.
These reforms are vital for protecting the health and safety of all Australians while securing rights for health practitioners to function without undue interference, being a package of reforms that will implement safeguards preventing government and agency overreach, witnessed during the time of Covid.
Please sign the Parliamentary Health Reform Package
Your donation to assist in covering the cost of the event is greatly appreciated.
Any excess donations will go towards our medico-legal fighting fund.
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
Nikolai Petrovsky is Professor of Medicine at Flinders University and Research Director of Vaxine, an Adelaide-based biotechnology company focused on vaccine development.
He has been awarded over 50 million dollars from the US National Institutes of Health for his vaccine research. He has authored over 200 peer-reviewed research papers and is an inventor on multiple vaccine patents.
In 2020, he developed the Covax- 19/SpikoGen® vaccine against COVID-19 that in October 2021 received authorization in Iran, making it the first recombinant protein Covid-19 vaccine in the world to receive regulatory approval, and the first Australian-developed human vaccine in the last 40 years to achieve approval.
As a vaccine expert, he has given testimony as an expert witness in vaccine mandate legal cases across Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Shoba Iyer
Dr Shoba is a geriatrician working in private practice in South Australia. She graduated with my degree in medicine in 1997 from the University of Adelaide, completing physician training with a specialty in geriatrics in 2006. Dr Iyer spent 18 years working in public hospitals in Adelaide and Sydney. In 2013, she started her own private practice and works in an outpatient clinical setting, also providing telehealth services for nursing homes across Australia. Dr Shoba has experience in treating cognitive problems, dementias, falls in the elderly, delirium, and medication interactions and adverse effects. Her areas of interest are dementia, rehabilitation in the elderly and deprescribing medications.

Dr Bruce Wauchcombe
MBBS, Dip Obs RACOG, DTM & amp; H. FRACGP,
Dr Wauchcombe is a General Medical Practitioner based at Tonsley, South Australia. After graduating from Adelaide University he worked as a remote Country GP in North Queensland doing anaesthetics and obstetrics.
After training in Tropical Medicine (giving a lifelong interest in infectious diseases) he worked in “refugee” camps in Thailand under United Nations Border Relief Operation with displaced people from Cambodia, post Pol Pot. Whilst in the camps he developed algorithms that enabled health workers to manage patients with fever without the need for advanced investigations.
Returning to Australia while continuing part time medicine he has worked in a mid size Production business as a Special Projects Manager and a Board Director. In 1996 he took over a small General Practice – Bedford Clinic which had a 1.5 FTE load and grew it into a large clinic with an accredited day hospital.
He has developed interests in dermatoscopy and Melanoma diagnosis and has pioneered the development of dermatoscopic algorithms at Molechecks Australia resulting in world leading diagnosis rates for Melanoma. The enigmatic ongoing high diagnosis rates are the basis of a PhD He is working on real life real time dermatoscopic AI diagnostics in the Melanoma and Skin Cancer space.
Bruce also has interests in biochemical medicine, immunology, infectious diseases. Due to one of his 6 children being ill with CFS, he took an interest in CFS. Over many years he has worked in this messy area of medicine, with partial success. Part of the practice is dedicated to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and developing processes to help other doctors approach this difficult condition. through a layered targeted problem solving approach. This layered targeted approach has enabled the creation of algorithms for managing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the time spans of General Practice. He is also a part time lecturer for the Adelaide University Medical School.
Dr Duncan Syme
Graduated from Monash University 1987, and has been in clinical practice for 34 years, initially in the UK and then returned to Australia, achieving his GP fellowship in 1997. He also has a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Diploma of practical dermatology.
For the past 10 years he has been working in a large public hospital in their Hospital in the Home program as a consultant. In that role he developed a particular interest in complex wound management, receiving funding to commence a clinical project in which he was the principal investigator of a randomised control trial for a wound healing device. Developing a clinical experiment from scratch provided a good understanding of the ethics approval process for a clinical trial. In addition he sat on the low risk ethics committee for the last 2 years reviewing other proposals for clinical studies as well as working for a pharmaceutical company in their pharmacovigilance section monitoring adverse events for clinical trials.
Dr Syme Resigned from Monash Health October 2021 due to state government mandates, suspended by Ahpra / Medical board in February under immediate suspension powers due to their concern that I was a risk to the public for giving medical exemptions to patients who did not consent to having the experimental gene therapy injection. This followed a complaint by a 3rd party who felt my exemption letter conveyed anti-vax sentiments.

Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
Dr Jenyanthi was a Consultant Anaesthetist at a major regional Victorian public hospital, in practise for more than 12 years until she was mandated out in October 2021. She has a clinical interest in Patient Blood Management where she spearheaded many initiatives that sustainably brought down the unnecessary transfusion rates in major surgeries , leading to improved patient outcomes and lower cost to the health system.

Dr Richard Urso
Richard Urso is a medical doctor and scientist who graduated AOA from the University of Texas, School of Medicine. He continued with 5 years of postgraduate training and 11 years of research and is the sole inventor of an FDA approved wound healing drug (Oxervate). He’s gone on to repurpose medications for usage in scarring, wound healing, inflammation, and viral infection. He was Chief of Orbital Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for six years.
He’s been involved in Covid-19 since March 2020 discussing the pandemic response on over 200 news channels and podcasts. He has successfully treated over 2600 COVID patients with an ever changing multidrug cocktail as the virus changes.
He’s testified in the US senate, the Texas Senate and multiple other state legislatures ( including the Alaska and Tennessee). and he’s interfaced with the head of the US Covid task force in the White House and the Governor’s office in Texas. He’s met with Deborah Birx and leaders of the CDC and FDA. He’s a Co-founder of the Global Covid Summit and the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, as well as being one of the original members of America's Frontline Doctors.

Julian Gillespie
Julian Gillespie is a lawyer and former barrister, who wrote the legal opinion and prepared the brief for proceedings before Federal Court, seeking two outcomes - that the Secretary of Health perform his statutory duty and suspend or cancel the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ - and secondly, that the Court rule the decision to extend the ‘vaccines’ to 5-11 year olds is invalid at law, as the Secretary of Health lacked the legal power to make the decision. These matters are still afoot despite a recent perverse decision being returned by the Full Court of the Federal Court.
Julian has also been assisting with many other cases particularly those involving Employer Mandates for Employees to be vaccinated, and assisting in Family Court matters where one parent seeks to resist another parent who wishes to have their child vaccinated with a Covid-19 injectable.
Julian researches extensively on all matters connected to Australia’s response to SARS-CoV-2, sharing publicly his findings concerning the legislative framework for how the Commonwealth and States and Territory governments centrally organised the response to SARS-CoV-2 from Canberra, drawing attention to the fact Australian governments collectively jettisoned years of scientific research amassed for correctly responding to a pandemic, to instead follow unscientific WHO recommendations which favoured big pharmaceutical interests.
His other ongoing research also includes the failings of AHPRA and National Boards and Health Professionals coerced and gagged by AHPRA, which investigations are now providing victims of Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ new avenues for legal redress for their injuries, and legal pathways for those families who lost loved ones to the Covid-19 injectables.
Senator Alex Antic
Liberal Senator for South Australia.
Senator Antic holds a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice Degree and Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Adelaide.
Prior to entering Parliament, Senator Antic practised as a commercial lawyer in Adelaide from 2002 to 2019. From 2014-2018 Senator Antic served as a Councillor on the Adelaide City Council and was the Vice-President of the Liberal Party (SA Division) from 2016 to 2019.
Senator Antic was sworn-in as the 608th Senator in the Australian Senate on 2 July 2019. Alex is a keen advocate for Nuclear Energy, has spoken openly about holding the Chinese Communist Party to account for their role in covering up the origins of COVID-19, and works towards stemming the tide of political correctness.
An advocate for conservative Liberal values and freedom of speech, Alex continues to speak fearlessly against woke mainstream narratives and stands as a bulwark against radical left-wing narratives infiltrating our Parliament. Alex is commonly seen on Sky News and other TV programs speaking on these subjects.