Defending Australian Doctors for the Benefit of Australian Patients

Dr Christopher Neil has practiced medicine for 20 years, specialising in cardiology since 2008. Completing his PhD in Adelaide and undertaking post-doctoral research and a fellowship in the UK , he has been committed to clinical excellence in the care of patients with heart failure.
Dr Christopher Neil
AMPS President

Dr Duncan Syme graduated from Monash University in 1987, and has been in clinical practice for 34 years, initially in the UK and then later in Australia, he achieved his GP fellowship in 1997. He also has a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Diploma of practical dermatology.
Dr Duncan Syme
AMPS Vice President
Upcoming event
Book: Too Many Dead
This book is freely downloadable but a donation to help cover the costs involved and to assist us to provide free hard copies to our medical and political authorities would be greatly appreciated. Any excess funds support our medico-legal fighting fund and future campaign actions.

Report: Covid Revisited
Through shared knowledge and collaborative discourse, the Covid revisited conference endeavoured to contribute to the development of resilient and adaptable strategies, ensuring the well-being of our communities in the face of emerging health crises. These published proceedings are a record of the incisive and thoughtful presentations made by experts in the field.

AMPS members can save over $800 on their membership fees and subscription to RUSH when compared to ALP-registered trade unions, without sacrificing legal protection, PI insurance or peace of mind.
Member Testimonials
Read more here.

A Proud Red Union Partner
AMPS is proudly supported by Red Union Support Hub.
Red Union Support Hub is a subscription service that services and joins subscribers to its various professional associations and trade union affiliates. RUSH supports nurses, teachers, doctors, police officers and miscellaneous workers all across Australia.
By joining, you will be joining a group of workers over 21,000 strong!
By referring a friend to any Red Union Organisation, you will receive a discount on your next subscription payment. See which professional associations you can refer to here.

The Australian Medical Professionals' Society (AMPS and/or AMPS LTD) is a professional association. AMPS Inc is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors. Savings of over $800 are just the beginning.