"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter" George Washington.
Date: Saturday 10 September 2022
Registrations Open from 8:00 am for a 8:45 am start. Finishing at 5:15pm
Venue: Amora Hotel Riverwalk Melbourne
TICKETS: In-person - Food and Beverages included
Red Union Members: $130
Non-Members: $150
TICKETS: Virtual Livestream option:
Red Union Members: $25
Non-Members: $40
RSVP: Saturday 3 September

Dr Julie Ponesse
PhD in Philosophy from Western University; Masters in Bioethics from the University of Toronto

Dr Naomi Wolf & Amy Kelly

Dr Philip Altman

Dr. Pierre Kory
M.D., M.P.A. Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist President, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( FLCCC Alliance)

Dr Paul Marik
M.D, FCCM, FCCP. Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist. Chairman, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance )

Professor Gigi Foster
PhD, Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2003 B.A., Ethics, Politics and Economics (magna cum laude), Yale University, 1996 Diploma, Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH, 1992

Mr Peter Fam
LLB, Human Rights Lawyer

Mr Julian Gillespie
LLB BJuris, Lawyer & former Barrister

Professor Ian Brighthope
GDIP Agricultural Science, MBBS, BMed
8.00 am - Registrations open from 8.00 AEST
Tea and Coffee on Arrival
8:45 - 9:00am - Introductory Statements
9:00 - 10.30 am - Session One: Did We Dump Medical Ethics and what did the Pfizer Data Dump Reveal?
Dr Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly: What did the hundreds of thousands of Pfizer documents from the FDA expose?
Dr Julie Ponesse: Are medical ethics still relevant in the time of COVID-19
10:30-10:50am - Morning Tea
10:50 am - 12:35 pm - Session Two: COVID - Reclaiming Medicine in the Face of Censorship and Reprisal
Dr Philip Altman: The Altman report - Here’s what you need to know!
Dr Pierre Kory: The fight for early treatment and overcoming censorship and reprisal
Dr Paul Marik: Healing from Long COVID and Post Vaccination Injury
12.35 - 1.20pm - Lunch
1:20 - 3.20 pm - Session Three: Was the Public Health response rational from a legal and economic perspective?
Professor Gigi Foster: Were the lockdowns worth it?
Peter Fam: Reclaiming our Human Rights in Australia
Julian Gillespie: How do health practitioners fight back against AHPRA overregulation?
3.20 - 3.40 pm - Afternoon Tea
3.40 - 5.15 pm – Session Four: Where did the precautionary principle go in the age of COVID?
Professor Ian Brighthope: Safe and effective nutraceuticals for better health
Professor Robyn Cosford: Debunking the myths of masks
5.00-5:10 pm - Closing remarks Kara Thomas
Calls to action to Reclaim Medicine
In light of the failings, we have witnessed we are demanding legislative amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act.
These reforms are vital for protecting the health and safety of all Australians while securing rights for health practitioners to function without undue interference, being a package of reforms that will implement safeguards preventing government and agency overreach, witnessed during the time of Covid.
Please sign the Parliamentary Health Reform Package
Your donation to assist in covering the cost of the event is greatly appreciated.
Any excess donations will go towards our medico-legal fighting fund.
Supported by

Dr Julie Ponesse
PhD in Philosophy from Western University. Masters in Bioethics from the University of Toronto.
Dr Julie Ponesse is currently resident ethics scholar at The Democracy Fund, a Canadian Charity dedicated to constitutional rights, advancing education and relieving poverty. She has a Masters in Philosophy, with Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics from the University of Toronto, and a Diploma in Ethics from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University. She has published in the areas of ancient philosophy, ethical theory and applied ethics. In the fall of 2021, she saw her academic career of 20 years fall apart after she refused to comply with a Canadian university’s Covid vaccine mandate. In response, she recorded a special video which went viral. She has also written the book My Choice : The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates, her account of the battle and its aftermath.
Dr. Naomi Wolf
BA Yale University. PhD Oxford
Dr Naomi Wolf is an author and journalist. She received her Bachelor of Arts in English LIterature from Yale University. She is also a Rhodes Scholar, and has also completed a Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature at Oxford University. She has served as a political consultant and authored 10 books, the latest being the Bodies of Others, the New Authoritarians, Covid-19 and the War against the Human. Dr Wolf is also CEO of Daily Clout, a company that builds digital tools, and produces media to help anyone , from any walk of life , use and affect democracy more powerfully. The first tool is BillCam, which lets one see, share and affect live legislation. When the Public Health And Medical Professionals for Transparency , a non profit , made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists and journalists successfully sued the FDA to obtain the data and information relied on by the FDA to licence the vaccines, Dr Wolf and project director Amy Kelly gathered a team of volunteers to analyse the hundreds of thousands of pages that was the basis of the Emergency Use Authorisation approval process of the Covid -19 vaccines.
Amy Kelly
Amy Kelly is the Program Director for the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project. She oversees the approximately 3,250 volunteers who are reviewing, analyzing, and reporting on the court-ordered, FDA-released Pfizer documents, as well as overseeing the approximately 350 volunteer attorneys who are identifying legal actions to be taken based on findings from the Pfizer documents. Additionally, she provides answers to the public's questions about adverse events found in the documents as well as writes reports on significant findings.
Ms. Kelly has over 20 years of experience as a Project Manager. Additionally, she is a certified Six Sigma Black Belt, certified in change management methodology, and has experience as a Business Analyst, Product Manager, and Strategist. Prior to working at DailyClout, she worked primarily in the telecommunications, transportation, and medical devices industries. Outside of work, she volunteers for education-related causes and in county political organizations.
Ms. Kelly earned a Bachelor of Arts degree, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and summa cum laude, from a liberal arts college.
Dr Phillip Altman
BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD
Dr Altman is a well-known Australian authority on clinical trials and regulatory affairs with more than 40 years of experience in designing, managing and reporting of clinical trials and in working with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration in gaining new drug approvals.
He established Australia’s first contract research organisations (CROs), where he served as a Senior Industry Consultant for more than half of the pharmaceutical companies present in Australia. His career has seen him involved in more than one hundred clinical trials (Phase I through IV). He has been personally responsible for the market approval of numerous new drugs since joining the pharmaceutical industry in 1974.
A graduate of Sydney University with an Honours degree in Pharmacy, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees (focusing on drug development, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry), he co-founded and is a Life Member of the largest professional body of pharmaceutical industry scientists involved in clinical research and regulatory affairs.
More recently Dr. Altman was a Director and the chief clinical trial and regulatory advisor for a public company involved in the development of a live virus for the treatment of late stage melanoma.
More recently Dr. Altman has provided expert reports in relation to both the Australian and NZ Judicial Review and High Court cases in relation to the Covid vaccines.
Dr Pierre Kory
M.D., M.P.A. Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist. President, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance ( FLCCC Alliance)
Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. He helped develop and run the first national courses in Critical Care Ultrasonography in the U.S., and served as a Director of these courses with the American College of Chest Physicians for several years. He is also the senior editor of the most popular textbook in the field titled “Point of Care Ultrasound,” now in its 2nd edition and that has been translated into 7 languages worldwide. He has led over 100 courses nationally and internationally, teaching physicians this now-standard skill in his specialty.
Dr. Kory was also one of the U.S. pioneers in the research, development, and teaching of performing therapeutic hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients. In 2005, his hospital was the first in New York City to begin regularly treating patients with therapeutic hypothermia. He then served as an expert panel member for New York City’s Project Hypothermia, a collaborative project between the Fire Department of New York and Emergency Medical Services. This project created cooling protocols within a network of 44 regional hospitals – along with a triage and transport system that directed patients to centers of excellence in hypothermia treatment – of which his hospital was one of the first.
Known as a Master Educator, Dr. Kory has won numerous departmental and divisional teaching awards in every hospital he has worked. He has delivered hundreds of courses and invited lectures throughout his career.
In collaboration with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Kory pioneered the research and treatment of septic shock patients with high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid. His work was the first to identify the critical relationship between the time of initiation of therapy and survival in septic shock patients – an aspect of the therapy that led to understanding all the failed randomized controlled trials that employed delayed therapy.
Dr. Kory has led ICU’s in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic. Having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for 5 straight weeks, he then travelled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges. He has co-authored 5 influential papers on COVID-19, with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.
Dr Paul E. Marik
M.D, FCCM, FCCP. Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist. Chairman, Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance )
Dr Marik received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr Marik did a Critical Care Fellowship in London, Ontario, Canada. Dr Marik has worked in various teaching hospitals in the US since 1992. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Neurocritical Care and Nutrition Science. Until recently Dr Marik was a tenured Professor of Medicine and Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Dr Marik has written over 5000 peer reviewed journal articles, 80 book chapters and authored four critical care books. He has been cited over 48 000 times in peer reviewed publications and has an H index of 105.
Professor Gigi Foster
PhD, Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2003. B.A., Ethics, Politics and Economics (magna cum laude), Yale University, 1996
Gigi Foster is a Professor with the School of Economics at the University of New South Wales. Born, raised and educated in the USA, she emigrated to Australia in 2003 and now works in diverse fields including education, social influence, corruption, lab experiments, time use, behavioural economics, and Australian policy. Her research contributions regularly inform public debates and appear in both specialised and cross-disciplinary outlets (e.g., Quantitative Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Population Economics, Journal of Economic Psychology, Human Relations). Her teaching, featuring strategic innovation and integration with research, was awarded a 2017 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. Named 2019 Young Economist of the Year by the Economic Society of Australia, Professor Foster has filled numerous roles of service to the profession and engages heavily on economic matters with the Australian community. As one of Australia’s leading economics communicators, her regular media appearances include co-hosting The Economists, a national economics talk-radio program and podcast series premiered in 2018, with Peter Martin AM on ABC Radio National.
Mr Peter Fam
Peter Fam is a human rights specialist and the Principal Lawyer at Ma’at’s Method, a human rights law firm in Sydney, Australia. Peter is a defender and advocate of universal law. His aim is to assist in restoring truth, justice and balance to our world.
Up until 2019, Peter worked in private practice representing survivors of historical abuse before moving to broader civil litigation work for a large defendant firm. From there, Peter was offered a role in the “Human Rights Specialist” team at LegalAid NSW, where he worked for two years. Then, it became clear that those places weren’t aligned completely with Peter’s values, nor would they accept his unwillingness to consent to an impingement on his bodily integrity.
Peter founded Ma’at’s Method so that he could focus his attention fully on issues which concern the inherent dignity every man and woman holds by virtue of their humanity.
Since its founding, Peter has been heavily involved in various court cases on the topics of the censorship of medical and other professionals, the right not to consent to unwanted medical procedures, privacy and whistle-blower law, and other human rights areas; particularly those enshrined in international law. He remains one of a handful of lawyers in Australia working directly in these areas. He also regularly travels around Australia to assist first nations communities with claims for overzealous policing, false imprisonment and discrimination at the hands of the State.
Mr Julian Gillespie
LLB BJuris
Julian Gillespie is a lawyer and former barrister, who wrote the legal opinion and prepared the brief for proceedings before Federal Court, seeking two outcomes - that the Secretary of Health perform his statutory duty and suspend or cancel the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ - and secondly, that the Court rule the decision to extend the ‘vaccines’ to 5-11 year olds is invalid at law, as the Secretary of Health lacked the legal power to make the decision. These matters are still afoot despite a recent perverse decision being returned by the Full Court of the Federal Court.
Julian has also been assisting with many other cases particularly those involving Employer Mandates for Employees to be vaccinated, and assisting in Family Court matters where one parent seeks to resist another parent who wishes to have their child vaccinated with a Covid-19 injectable.
Julian researches extensively on all matters connected to Australia’s response to SARS-CoV-2, sharing publicly his findings concerning the legislative framework for how the Commonwealth and States and Territory governments centrally organised the response to SARS-CoV-2 from Canberra, drawing attention to the fact Australian governments collectively jettisoned years of scientific research amassed for correctly responding to a pandemic, to instead follow unscientific WHO recommendations which favoured big pharmaceutical interests.
His other ongoing research also includes the failings of AHPRA and National Boards and Health Professionals coerced and gagged by AHPRA, which investigations are now providing victims of Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ new avenues for legal redress for their injuries, and legal pathways for those families who lost loved ones to the Covid-19 injectables.
Professor Ian Brighthope
He graduated in Agricultural Science in 1965 and then in 1974 graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.
The Brighthope Clinics and Biocentres were developed in the 1970’s. They specialised in Nutritional Medicine, Environmental Medicine, intravenous therapies including chelation therapy and herbal medicine. As chairman of the Australian College of Herbal Medicine, he developed an early interest in cannabis and other controversial herbs.
As founding president of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM) and president for over 26 years, Professor Brighthope pioneered the first post-graduate medical course in nutrition and its related fellowship in Australia. He is now the official ambassador of ACNEM.
Professor Brighthope has acted as an advocate for doctors practising Integrative Medicine for over 35 years. He has had training and extensive experience in Crisis Management, Risk Management and Public/Government Relations. He has also had extensive experience in the pharmaceutical manufacturing and exporting industry as the managing director of a TGA licensed facility.
In 2001 to 2003, he was President of the Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia, the peak industry body for Complementary Medicines. He delivered the Telstra National Press Club address in September 2002 on complementary medicines and sustainable health in an ageing population. Professor Brighthope is now the official ambassador to the peak body Complementary Medicines Australia (CMA)
Professor Robyn Cosford
Prof Robyn Cosford was an integrative medical practitioner, naturopath and homeopath of over 35 years, with an Honours degree in Medicine and life membership of Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.
She was working in conjunction with the University of Newcastle from 1996 in the area of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and childrens' neurodevelopmental and behavioural disorders, presented her findings at 3 international autism conferences, and convened 2 Mind of Child conferences in Australia in 1998 and 2002, introducing the area of biological treatment of autism into Australia. The influence of the gut microbiome and abnormalities have been a feature of ongoing research in conjunction with Bioscreen, which came out of the University of Newcastle research team.
Robyn is fascinated in the energetics of life, that we are body soul and spirit simultaneously, and how these interact within us personally, and in our connection with others and this Creation out of which we were formed. She has done extra training in EFT, various spiritual and energetic healing modalities, the use of magnets and so on.
As a mother of 5, she is passionate about the health of children, families and interpersonal relationships. It is for these reasons that she chose to surrender her medical license, ahead of being deregistered for writing mask exemptions, vaccine exemptions and Ivermectin scripts in defiance of the AHPRA gag order of March 2022, so that she could speak openly about what the current situation and the threat to the health and wellness of people and children in particular.