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3 min read

Natural Immunity is Robust, Durable and Long-Lasting

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The same man was never attacked twice ..” —Thucydides (observations during the plague of Athens 430 B.C)

Natural immunity against COVID-19 infection is robust, durable and long-lasting according to a new Ig 3 peer-reviewed meta-analysis in the prestigious Lancet. The experts have been proved wrong again.

The Lancet meta analysis reviewed 65 papers from 19 countries looking at natural immunity which showed that natural infection is at least equivalent to and most likely superior to the narrow spectrum, artificially induced antibody responses seen with gene transfer technology injections (Pfizer and Moderna).

The paper also demonstrates that over time the benefits from natural immunity against reinfection and protection from severe disease outlast the immune response provided by COVID-19 provisionally approved vaccines. The immune protection conferred by previous infection was recognised back in 430 B.C.

The science of immunology understands the protective benefits of natural immunity. In fact Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly highlighted the importance of conferred-infection protection.

Denying the protective benefits of natural immunity was not evidence-based. It was also misleading to tell the public these injections provide better protection than natural immunity. At the time the provisionally approved mRNA genetic vaccines were rolled-out onto the Australian community the duration of any protective benefit was unknown as long term immunity was not studied. There is also evidence
demonstrating the immune harms of repeat boosters.

Data are showing negative efficacy associated with repeated booster shots. NSW data and UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) data both indicate the more injections received the more likely someone is to contract, be hospitalised or die from COVID-19. The Cleveland clinic study showed the more healthcare workers got boosted the more likely they were to get infected.

The COVID-19 vaccines do not stop infection with or transmission of SARS-CoV-2, they provide minimal if any protective benefit of unknown duration and show serious safety signals of harm. The COVID-19 vaccine program requires immediate suspension and review.

COVID-19 vaccines mandates do not make sense because these injections do not stop transmission. The majority of Australians have now been exposed to COVID-19 and have natural robust, durable and long-lasting protection from severe disease.


For further comment contact us at hotline@asn.amps.au

1. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)02465-5/fulltext