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Summit Speakers
To watch individual presentations given by our panel of expert speakers, click on their image below.

Mr Julian Gillespie
LLB, Bjuris Retired Barrister

Dr Phillip Altman
Pharmacologist and clinical trial drug regulatory consultant

Dr Gary Fettke
Orthopaedic Surgeon MBBS FRACS(Ortho), F.A.Orth.A

Dr Andrew McIntyre
Gastroenterologist MBBS FRACP

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
BMedSci MBBS FRACP PhD, GradCertEd, Professor of Medicine at Flinders University

Dr Duncan Syme
MBBS FRACGP DROCG Dip Prac Dermatology (University of Cardiff) Hospital in the home Consultant

Dr Paul Oosterhuis
Anaesthesiologist MBBS FANZCA

Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
MD(UKM) MMED( UM) FANZCA MMED(Monash) Anaesthetist and Perioperative Physician

Dr Robert Brennan
BSc BHSc(Hons1) MBBS Former Emergency Medical Officer

Dr Christopher Neil
MBBS FRACP PHD Cardiologist

A/Prof Peter Parry
MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, Cert Child Adoles Psychiatry Child Psychiatrist

Dr Peter McCullough
Author, Courage to Face Covid-19

Senator Malcolm Roberts
Senator for Queensland

Senator Gerard Rennick
Senator for Queensland

Senator Gerard Rennick
Senator For Queensland
The Summit Issues
The National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act have precipitated disastrous and preventable outcomes for patient safety and public health during the recent time of Covid.
Government and agency responses undermined the ability of Health Professionals to advocate for patients, which many presenters will attest to here tonight.
Legislation was and continues to be used to enforce government messaging rather than regulate safe, effective, and trustworthy professional practice, that allows for a range of treatments proven to be effective alternatives.
We must not accept any undermining of Informed Consent.
The sacredness of the Doctor-Patient relationship must be upheld where no agency or purported authority should be able to interfere.
Transparent risk-benefit therapeutic analysis and open scientific discourse must never be compromised.
Our Oaths and Codes of Conduct to Do No Harm must remain inviolable.
In light of the failings we have witnessed we are demanding legislative amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act.
These reforms are vital for protecting the health and safety of all Australians, while securing rights for health practitioners to function without undue interference, being a package of reforms that will implement safeguards preventing government and agency overreach, witnessed during the time of Covid.
Please sign the Parliamentary Health Reform Package
Kara Thomas, AMPS Assistant Secretary provides an introduction and overview to the purpose of this Summit. Kara explains the actions that have led to this event and what AMPS together with our distinguished speakers aim to achieve.
Mr Julian Gillespie
Julian is a lawyer and former barrister, who wrote the legal opinion and prepared the brief for the current Federal Court proceedings, seeking two outcomes.
Firstly that the Secretary of Health perform his statutory duty and suspend or cancel the Covid-19 vaccines.
And secondly, that the Court rule the decision to extend the vaccines to 5-11 year olds is invalid at law, as the Secretary of Health lacked the legal power to make the decision
Julian is dedicating his life at this time to the pursuit of truth and justice and we are very grateful for all of his work.
Dr Phillip Altman
Dr Altman is a well-known Australian authority on clinical trials and regulatory affairs with more than 40 years of experience in designing, managing and reporting of clinical trials and in working with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration in gaining new drug approvals.
He established Australia’s first contract research organisations (CROs), where he served as a Senior Industry Consultant for more than half of the pharmaceutical companies present in Australia. His career has seen him involved in more than one hundred clinical trials (Phase I through IV). He has been personally responsible for the market approval of numerous new drugs since joining the pharmaceutical industry in 1974.
A graduate of Sydney University with an Honours degree in Pharmacy, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees (focusing on drug development, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry), he co-founded and is a Life Member of the largest professional body of pharmaceutical industry scientists involved in clinical research and regulatory affairs.
More recently Dr. Altman was a Director and the chief clinical trial and regulatory advisor for a public company involved in the development of a live virus for the treatment of late stage melanoma.
Dr. Altman has provided expert reports in relation to both the Australian and NZ Judicial Review and High Court cases in relation to the Covid vaccines.
Dr Gary Fettke
Dr Gary Fettke is an Orthopaedic Surgeon and vocal proponent of nutrition being a major component of prevention and management of modern disease.
In 2014, he became targeted by the processed food industry for his opinion on the perils of excessive sugar consumption, culminating in a ‘silencing’ by the AHPRA Medical Board after 3 notifications. He was publicly slandered with a factually incorrect AHPRA media release.
After presenting to Senate Inquiries into the failing of the AHPRA process, review by the National Ombudsman, 2018 saw a clearance of those charges with an apology from the board.
He continues to lecture on the vested interests shaping dietary guidelines and particularly those around the anti red meat agenda. He remains supporting Health Care Professionals on an almost weekly basis that are caught in the AHPRA process.
Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
Nikolai Petrovsky is Professor of Medicine at Flinders University and Research Director of Vaxine, an Adelaide-based biotechnology company focused on vaccine development.
He has been awarded over 50 million dollars from the US National Institutes of Health for his vaccine research. He has authored over 200 peer-reviewed research papers and is an inventor on multiple vaccine patents.
In 2020, he developed the Covax- 19/SpikoGen® vaccine against COVID-19 that in October 2021 received authorization in Iran, making it the first recombinant protein Covid-19 vaccine in the world to receive regulatory approval, and the first Australian-developed human vaccine in the last 40 years to achieve approval.
As a vaccine expert, he has given testimony as an expert witness in vaccine mandate legal cases across Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Duncan Syme
Graduated from Monash University 1987, and has been in clinical practice for 34 years, initially in the UK and then returned to Australia, achieving his GP fellowship in 1997. He also has a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Diploma of practical dermatology.
For the past 10 years he has been working in a large public hospital in their Hospital in the Home program as a consultant. In that role he developed a particular interest in complex wound management, receiving funding to commence a clinical project in which he was the principal investigator of a randomised control trial for a wound healing device. Developing a clinical experiment from scratch provided a good understanding of the ethics approval process for a clinical trial. In addition he sat on the low risk ethics committee for the last 2 years reviewing other proposals for clinical studies as well as working for a pharmaceutical company in their pharmacovigilance section monitoring adverse events for clinical trials.
Dr Syme Resigned from Monash Health October 2021 due to state government mandates, suspended by Ahpra / Medical board in February under immediate suspension powers due to their concern that I was a risk to the public for giving medical exemptions to patients who did not consent to having the experimental gene therapy injection. This followed a complaint by a 3rd party who felt his exemption letter conveyed anti-vax sentiments.
Dr Paul Oosterhius
Dr. Paul Oosterhuis is an Australian anaesthetist with over thirty years experience, including in critical care and resuscitation. He has been brought before the Medical Board of NSW for posting information on social media regarding COVID-19.
His posts related to early treatment and prophylaxis, PCR tests, and risk-benefit calculations regarding COVID-19 vaccination and lockdowns (scroll down for details).
Dr Oosterhuis attended a Medical Board hearing on September 3rd, at which the Board suspended his registration. At his hearing, Dr Oosterhuis presented extensive evidence on the accuracy and defensibility of his social media posts, including their public interest value.
The Board, however, declined to engage in any discussion regarding the evidence. Instead they enforced the ban on doctors contradicting the government, and suspended him without discussion.
Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan
Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan was a Consultant Anaesthetist at a major regional Victorian public hospital, in practise for more than 12 years until she was mandated out in October 2021.
She has a clinical interest in Patient Blood Management where she spearheaded many initiatives that sustainably brought down the unnecessary transfusion rates in major surgeries , leading to improved patient outcomes and lower cost to the health system.
Dr Robert Brennan
Dr Robert Brennan taught anatomy and several other biomedical sciences for a decade or so before medical school and a career in psychiatry. Recognising that the government's response to the pandemic was anti science, anti reality and anti humane, he joined the Australian Medical network (formerly known as the Covid Medical Network) as a Co-Director, Joined the Red Union AMPS group and now TNT radio.
For the temerity of claiming that lockdowns are harmful and the covid vaccine ought NOT to be mandated he lost his registration to practise medicine and was deemed a “danger to public health and safety” by the regulator.
A/Prof Peter Parry
Associate Professor Peter Parry is a child & adolescent psychiatrist whose career encompasses that of a medical officer in the Royal Australian Navy; GP and palliative care, prior to training in psychiatry from 1990. He is a senior psychiatrist with Children’s Health Queensland but currently working as a locum interstate where his natural immunity certificate of temporary exemption from the Covid-19 vaccines is recognised.
He has research and teaching interests in Developmental Psychology, lifestyle factors in mental health, the history and politics of Psychiatric Nosology, and Conflict of Interest issues between Psychiatry/Medicine and the Pharmaceutical Industry. His PhD thesis combined these topics and included research into thousands of pages of internal pharmaceutical industry documents, of which his most cited article was: From Evidence-Based Medicine to Marketing-Based Medicine: Evidence from Internal Industry Documents.
He led a group of psychiatrists who successfully advocated for the RANZCP to sign the campaign in 2015. Unfortunately the AllTrials campaign goals have not been met and in Dr Parry’s view ‘Marketing-Based Medicine’ rather than ‘Evidence-Based Medicine’ has increasingly dominated in recent years.
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist managing the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.
He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, and on FOX NEWS Channel. On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, in 2021-2022 the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.
On January 24, 2022, Dr. McCullough co-moderated and testified in the US Senate Panel “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” chaired by Senator Ron Johnson. Dr. McCullough has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, press releases, and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19. His book written with best-selling true-crime author John Leake is “Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the Biopharmaceutical Complex.”
Kara Thomas
Kara is the AMPS Assistant State Secretary and Registered Nurse.
Eight months ago she was helping team lead a busy tertiary operating theatre to ensure doctors and theatre staff worked efficiently together to get the best possible outcomes for every patient who entered the theatre. Now she is part of this incredible team of amazing doctors and lawyers, fighting for the same outcome, the very best for our patients, but through legislative reform and seeking government restraint.