Do you have questions about Australia's public health response to COVID-19?
Do you have concerns about your health and wellbeing or that of your family?
The Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) is hosting an event on Tuesday the 7th of February in Canberra where national and international medical experts will discuss Australia’s COVID-19 response and where we might go from here.
These medical experts will also be joined by federal politicians from various political parties who are committed to representing you and your concerns.
We encourage you to take this opportunity to listen, reflect and connect with potential avenues for further information and support.
Watch the event recording
It's time to review and reflect
Australia's Response to Covid
National and International Speakers - Canberra
Date: Tuesday 7th February 2023
Registrations Open from 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm start. Finishing at 9 pm
VENUE: Canberra Rex Hotel Northbourne Avenue, Braddon ACT
TICKETS: $20 (to cover costs)
REFRESHMENTS: available to purchase at venue
RSVP: 5pm Monday 6th February
Click on the speakers below to view their individual presentations.

Senator Malcolm Roberts
View Presentation

Supporting Australians who suffer from a significant adverse reaction from their COVID-19 vaccination

Josh Hawkes
Leading Firefighter, Victoria

David Cotsios
Former Intensive Care Paramedic

Senator Ralph Babet
Dr Peter McCullough
Dr Aseem Malhotra,
Dr Christopher Neil
Dr Phillip Altman
Dr Altman is a well-known Australian authority on clinical trials and regulatory affairs with more than 40 years of experience in designing, managing and reporting of clinical trials and in working with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration in gaining new drug approvals.
He established Australia’s first contract research organisations (CROs), where he served as a Senior Industry Consultant for more than half of the pharmaceutical companies present in Australia. His career has seen him involved in more than one hundred clinical trials (Phase I through IV). He has been personally responsible for the market approval of numerous new drugs since joining the pharmaceutical industry in 1974.
A graduate of Sydney University with an Honours degree in Pharmacy, Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees (focusing on drug development, pharmacology and pharmaceutical chemistry), he co-founded and is a Life Member of the largest professional body of pharmaceutical industry scientists involved in clinical research and regulatory affairs.
More recently Dr. Altman was a Director and the chief clinical trial and regulatory advisor for a public company involved in the development of a live virus for the treatment of late stage melanoma.
More recently Dr. Altman has provided expert reports in relation to both the Australian and NZ Judicial Review and High Court cases in relation to the Covid vaccines. Please welcome Dr Altman.
"The Greatest Fraud and Cover up in History" presented by Dr Phillip Altman
Josh Hawkes
Leading Firefighter, Victoria
David Cotsios
David worked for NSW Ambulance for 44 years, he worked as an Intensive Care Paramedic for 41 of those years, and in Helicopter operations for 2 years.
David spent many years working in metropolitan Sydney and then in rural NSW. He attended many tragic incidents during his career including the Thredbo landslide disaster among others.
David's career was terminated on the 15 December 2021 for not accepting the Covid vaccination. He is the recipient of a number of citations and awards.
Senator Ralph Babet