Becoming a Public Affiliate with the Australian Medical Professional Society (AMPS) is more than a membership; it's a partnership in advancing healthcare. Your support helps us fund essential campaigns, host enriching events, and drive initiatives for ethical medical practice in Australia. Our public affiliate membership is designed specifically for: Supporters of the medical community, non-practicing medical professionals, retired doctors, students and educators.
Stop Medical Censorship
Government gag orders imposed by Martin Fletcher the CEO of AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency) and National Boards mean Australian Health Professionals cannot debate evidence-based Science if it goes against the State-imposed narrative without the threat of investigation and disciplinary action.
Even private Facebook posts or commentary are worthy of investigation and possible disciplinary action.
If you haven't already signed the petition, we encourage you to do so below:

Your Impact as a Public Affiliate
An annual fee of $50 plays a vital role in fuelling the campaigns like the above-mentioned Stop Medical Censorship Campaign and much more, such as:
- Hosting events across Australia- Organising and setting up protests
- Broadening our influence to create REAL change
- Joining a wonderful community
- Contributing to have healthcare free from political agendas
See what becoming a Public Affiliate gains you access to below:

Numbers create influence: The more members we have - both medical and public - helps with influence and resources to fight for the issues that are important to our community.
What we believe
The Australian Medical Professionals' Society is a group of doctors who want to provide an alternate voice to the AMA. They wanted to join 10's of thousands of other workers who had decided to form independent associations under the Red Union banner.
AMPS supports:
- The primacy of the doctor/patient relationship, with Government bureaucrats being removed from the surgery room.
- Making it easier for doctors to speak out publicly. Doctors are currently gagged by AHPRA.
- The removal of AHPRA from monitoring doctors on social media and voicing their medical opinions.
- Resisting Government Coercion.
- The ability to speak out about refugee health without fear of de-registration.
- Resisting Government mandates.
- Resisting Government agencies running roughshod over doctors in what they can prescribe and recommend.
AMPS remains fully committed to defending your right to treat patients as you see fit and respects the enormous amount of medical training undergone to achieve this right. AHPRA and Government must be drastically limited in this space.
AMPS was formed using the same team of industrial experts and lawyers who service the hugely successful NPAQ.

The Australian Medical Professionals' Society (AMPS and/or AMPS LTD) is a professional association. AMPS Inc is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors. Savings of over $800 are just the beginning.