2023 National Tour
Melbourne Health Professionals Meeting
Medicine at the Crossroads
Lessons from Covid
Australian Doctors Call to suspend all COVID-19 vaccinations pending full investigation with special guest and world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra. We invite health professionals to join us for an intense focus on the scientific evidence and risk benefit analysis including a moderated panel.
Please note this meeting is for health professionals only. They are not a public event. Click here for Public Tour Dates.

Melbourne - Wednesday 31 May 2023
Time: 6:30pm for a 7pm start till 9pm
Venue: The Athenaeum Club 87 Collins st Melbourne Victoria
Tickets: $50
Questions: Hotline@amps.asn.au
Tickets available
public events 1st and 2nd June

Matt Wong
We're delighted to have Matt Wong from Discernible joining us as emcee for this special event

Dr Aseem Malhotra
MBChB University of Edinburgh (2001), MRCP University of Edinburgh (2004), CCT Cardiology University of Edinburgh (2013)

Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy
Your donation to assist in covering the cost of the event is greatly appreciated.
Any excess donations will go towards our medico-legal fighting fund.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra
MBChB University of Edinburgh (2001), MRCP University of Edinburgh (2004), CCT Cardiology University of Edinburgh (2013)
Dr Aseem Malhotra is an NHS trained Consultant Cardiologist and an internationally renowned expert in the prevention, diagnosis and management of heart disease. He is honorary council member to the Metabolic Psychiatry Clinic at Stanford University school of medicine California. He is a founding member of Action on Sugar and was the lead campaigner highlighting the harm caused by excess sugar consumption in the United Kingdom, particularly its role in type 2 diabetes and obesity. In 2015 he helped co-ordinate the Choosing Wisely campaign by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges as lead author in a BMJ paper to highlight the risks of overuse of medical treatments. In the same year he became the youngest member to be appointed to the board of trustees of UK health think tank, The King's Fund that advises government on health policy. Aseem is a frequent expert commentator in print and broadcast media and he has written scores of articles for a number of publications including the BMJ, British Journal of Sports Medicine, BMJ Open Heart, JAMA Internal Medicine, Prescriber, The Pharmaceutical Journal, European Scientist, The Guardian and Observer, BBC online, Huffington Post, The Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph and the Washington Post. He is international guest editor of the journal of evidence-based healthcare.
Aseem has appeared in the Health Service Journal’s list of top 50 BME pioneers, and has won a number of awards for his work to raise awareness of diet-related illness both in the UK and internationally. He is a pioneer of the lifestyle medicine movement in the UK and has had feature articles written about him in the New York Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph, The i, and Healthcare Leader. In 2018 he was ranked by software company Onalytica as the number 1 doctor in the world influencing obesity thinking.
In 2016 he was named in the Sunday Times Debrett's list as one of the most influential people in science and medicine in the UK in a list that included Professor Stephen Hawking. His total Altmetric score (measure of impact and reach) of his medical journal publications since 2013 is over 10,000 making it one of the highest in the World for a clinical doctor during this period. His first book co-authored with Donal O' Neill, The Pioppi Diet, has become an international best seller. His second book, the 21 day immunity plan is a Sunday Times best seller. During the first year of the Covid pandemic he was asked by the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock to advice on the link between covid and obesity and how best to reduce population risk to infection. His recently published third book A Statin Free Life is already a best seller.
Award winning American Science Journalist Gary Taubes describes Aseem as someone who has “probably done more in the UK to inject sanity in to nutrition science and the pharmaceutical industry debate than any human being alive”
Sir Richard Thompson, Past President of the Royal College of Physicians and former personal physician to her majesty The Queen said “Dr Aseem Malhotra is changing the face of medicine and his revolutionary book the Pioppi Diet should be read by everyone”
The Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham said “ He’s really making people think differently about what they eat and how they live their life. Through his work he’s going to change many thousands of lives, millions of lives for the better”

Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy
Professor Clancy graduated from Sydney University. Gaining initial medical training in gastroenterology, he developed the Clinical Immunology discipline with several others, and was Chief examiner for a number of years. He began the Clinical Immunology unit at RPAH and MacMaster University, Canada. Particular clinical interest in autoimmune disease and hypersensitivity disease, and disturbed host-parasite relationship disease.
Professor Clancy has a PhD in pathogenesis of idiopathic thrombocytopenia purport (autoimmune disease), the 5 years as Assistant Prof at MacMaster working with John Bienenstock on mucosal immunology. Followed this after 2 years at RPAH as Foundation Professor Pathology at the new Medical School at Newcastle, the world’s second (after MacMaster) Problem Based Learning Medical School. Developed the Newcastle Mucosal Research Institute, where He developed programmes to understand the mechanisms of airway protection, and developed a “first in class" therapy, immunobiotics, which maximise delivery or airway protection via the common mucosa system. Awarded the first DSc (at University of Newcastle) with over 300 publications, and a book on the History of Science in Australia.
Professor Clancy was awarded AM for work in Immunology and Historic Cartography, and the First Innovation Award at the University of Newcastle.
He is currently Chairman of the Advisory Board for the new Rural Medical Research Institute at CSU, and continue medical practise. He developed an interest in Covid from a science base, with regular contributions to the John Campbell YouTube Programme, and various publications.

Matt Wong
Matt founded Discernable® in 2019 with a simple mission: to be the most helpful resource available for small and medium businesses. This was built on an ethos of authenticity and relatability, both of which Matt found lacking in business strategy resources. Drawing on a long career of entrepreneurial experience, Matt packaged MBA material, research and business acumen into attractive and 'lubricated' content that was easy to digest and easy to share.
The same respect for an audience's time and tastes carried over into 2020 when Discernable® gained traction editorialising and teaching on legal and political matters in Victoria, Australia.
Soon after, guests began appearing on Discernable® to expand the one-way editorial into a two-person conversation and virality ensued. We discovered an unexpected but vital resource in Matt: the ability to apply a sharp mind with broad experience to an on-air conversation, whilst remaining mindful of audience needs. Discernable® now
stands unique in its DNA of trust, authenticity and respect for audience, witnessed in every piece of content we make.

Censorship: a threat to public health and safety?
Saving medicine from the health bureaucracy
FLCCC - Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
The Time of COVID - A Report by Phillip M. Altman
COVERSE - a non-profit organisation for people who have suffered a significant adverse reaction following their COVID-19 vaccination.